Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stay Golden Productions goes to AIL Championships

I know its been a few days since the AIL finals but really when it comes down to it I want to make sure that whatever I write about AIL Finals was something that I truly mean. On October 23rd was the AIL championships and this was my third year in a row going to Woodward west to see the best of the best compete.
Unfortunately it was changed up this year and so there was no professional contest that I do indeed look forward to every year, instead it was turned into a "Demo" which I felt made the feel of all the pro's skating not as exciting. I will have to admit that either way there was some awesome stuff that went down. Especially from french powerhouse Stephan Alfano who did nothing but show the americans that the french simply don't care what or might happen to their body. Really nothing that memorable really went down except for Erik Bailey's sick true fish up on the curved box which proved that the american are not out just yet.
But in the end Stephan Alfano proved to everyone he was going for broke when he disastered 450 true topsoul up on the huge quarter. Personally I think the AIL needs to bring back the pro contest cause I feel like it did nothing but make everyone a little upset with the turn out of the big names in the demo due to everyone partying so much the night before. Still was a lot of fun either way and I was able to see some good friends and even made a bunch of new ones too. One of the best things of AIL weekend was perhaps that a lot of good homies such as Harbor Bickmore,TJ Tregeale,and emo zach all turned AIL pro. So big ups to them and I hope next year is better for sure. Here are some pictures from AIL courtesy of Scott Moffatt.

Me and Jon Jon just chilling
Me and Jon Jon getting interviewed
explaining my setup to Juan
Im kind of a big deal
Wake killed it for sure and he's only twelve

Congrats TJ on turning AIL Pro
Matt Farnsworth topsoul on the high quarter


Bailes is always murkin shit
Showing the french how its done


  1. Looked like a super cool awesome time, I have to get my butt out there one day!!

    Oh, Manny you are hott!

  2. thanks tiff and yes you do need to come out here for sure it would be rad to see ya
